Wednesday, August 13, 2008

How Much Do YOU Know About the Olympics?

You may be following the Olympics in Beijing, maybe not. Regardless of how closely you're following the games, it's sure as shootin' that you're way ahead of the folks in this video. Check out Jay Leno interviewing people on the street.

Where are the Danes from?
Which is longer: the 200 meter men's butterfly or the 200 meter men's backstroke?
Where do you find the Poles?
How many metals did the country of IKEA win in the last Olympics?
Why were the 1944 Olympics canceled?

Hilarious. In a way. . .


Unknown said...

Eileen, not sure your purpose in Kiev, but I live in Zhitomir, not that far away. I follow your blog & am a fellow missionary. Would love to meet you, if you have time. Email me at if you have time. Tammy

Eileen said...

Hey Tammy, what a nice surprise to run across this comment of yours, especially since we've actually gotten to meet in the mean time.(I'm a little behind on commenting on comments.) But remind me - do you happen to remember when it was that you ran across this blog? Seems as though you may have stopped by and said Preevyet sometime back.. . ?